Innovation Festival offers delegates real-world connected demonstration

For the first time, visitors to a major road industry event will have the opportunity to receive virtual messages in their own vehicles, and not just in test vehicles on tracks.

The Transport Technology Forum is undertaking a series of connected vehicle demonstrations at the LCRIG Innovation Festival on the 4 and 5 July, which includes messages sent to an app that can be downloaded to a delegate’s phone.

The TTF’s Connected Vehicle Working Group has undertaken demonstrations at invite-only events in the past, but this is the first time a wide range of connected solutions will be shown to so many people in one place.

People downloading the app will receive instructions and other messages to their smartphones as they enter the Newark Showground site, overlaid on sat navs.  These can be relayed onto in-vehicle screens where they exist, and are delivered as audio to ensure safety and cut out the risk of distraction.

The TTF’s demonstrations on site include relaying variable and static signage into a vehicle, a demonstration of virtual signs, dynamic cyclist warnings and use of eCall data.  Exhibitors will also showcase dynamic parking solutions, radar detection and distracted driving technology using Artificial Intelligence.

Andy Graham, chair of the TTF Connected vehicles Group said, “We have demonstrated technology before at closed test tracks, and will be using some of the car park at Newark again for this. But for the first time, delegates will be able to download an app providing in vehicle signing updates as they travel to Newark, and a message advising them about parking as they arrive.”

The Innovation Festival brings together local authorities, central government, the supply chain, associations and academia to see the latest ideas in highways maintenance and transport technology.  This year’s overarching theme is “Showcasing emerging technology and maintenance solutions”.

More than 175 local authority delegates from 70 authorities are attending, meaning around than two-thirds of all the English highway authorities outside London are represented.  This is along with nearly 90 exhibitors.  As well as the TTF demonstrations, there are 14 demonstrations in the road maintenance innovations area.

The TTF demonstrations are supported by White Willow Consulting, KL Systems, SRL, Crystal Driver, Navtech Radar, Portsmouth City Council and Grid Smarter Cities.  Delegates will be sent details of how to download the connected vehicle demonstration app or you can download it here.

Sign up for the Innovation Festival here.

(Picture – TTF)


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