ITS (UK) begins search for new CEO

The industry association for Intelligent Transport Systems professionals is recruiting a new leader, as Secretary General Jennie Martin retires after nearly a quarter of a century with the Society.

Chair Ryan Hood of Arup is leading the search for a new Chief Executive Officer who will take over at the end of the year when Mrs Martin steps down.

The job specification includes requirements for great leadership, membership liaison and communication, as well as to work with Members to work out a long-term vision for the organisation and then execute that plan.  While knowledge of the transport sector and Intelligent Transport Systems is desirable, it is not essential.

Jennie Martin has been a leader in ITS across the globe, growing ITS (UK)’s membership, and services to members, as well as being a major influencer among other national ITS associations.  During her tenure, ITS (UK) has not only promoted the use of technology in transport, but also championed, and helped deliver, much greater diversity among the workforce.  She joined ITS (UK) assisting the first Secretary General Susan Harvey in 1998 and took over in the role in 2004.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with ITS (UK) and find it hard to believe that nearly 25 years have passed since I joined,” commented Mrs Martin.  “The team of Secretariat and Members has established the Society as an internationally recognised source of independent expertise and support during that time. Now more than ever, we need channels for independent and unbiased scientific and technical knowledge to reach policy makers, and ITS (UK) is firmly positioned as such a channel for transport technology.  In addition, we are busier than ever working as a hub for networking and information exchange for ITS professionals not just in the UK, but from all over the world.  I look forward to seeing the next chapter in ITS (UK)’s success story unfold.”

Ryan Hood added, “For almost two decades Jennie has served as Secretary General. Throughout this period, she has provided unswerving support to improving our transport system, been a devoted promoter of the UK and facilitator of international trade, and acted as a fulcrum between Industry, Government and Academia, unlocking synergies across these organisations to the benefit of the general public and the economy.  She is adored by the organisation’s staff, which pays testament to Jennie’s qualities as an individual and a leader.  Jennie should be rightly proud of her contribution to the Industry, and on behalf of all our members and staff, we wish her the very best with her planned retirement at the end of this year.”

In honour of Mrs Martin’s contribution to ITS (UK), a new award, the “Jennie Martin Award for ITS Woman of the Year” has been added to the Society’s Annual Awards in Milton Keynes on 13 October.  Details of all the awards are here.

The job description for CEO is here, with a closing date of 12 August.

(Picture – ITS (UK))


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