Kent County Council endorses THINK! campaign encouraging road users to look out for each other

Kent County Council (KCC) is endorsing the THINK! campaign encouraging road users to look out for each other.

Since the Highway Code changed in January 2022, a new hierarchy has been in place to make sure those who can do the greatest harm have the greatest responsibility to reduce the danger they may pose.

Other changes to the Highways Code include:

  • People crossing, waiting to cross or cycling straight ahead have priority at junctions
  • When travelling at up to 30mph, leave at least 1.5 metres when overtaking people cycling, and give people more space at higher speeds
  • Pass horse riders and horse-drawn vehicles at speeds under 10 mph and allow at least 2 metres
  • People may cycle in the centre of the lane or two abreast in certain situations, whilst allowing others to overtake when it is safe for them to do so

The changes mean road users must be ready to give priority, leave space and be considerate of others.

The campaign aims to promote the key messages while reminding all road users that they still have a responsibility to keep themselves and each other safer.

KCC’s Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, David Brazier, said: “The safety of all that use our roads is a priority for us, but we need everyone to play their part.

“Since changes to the Highway Code came into effect in January, it has been the responsibility of those who can do the greatest harm to reduce the danger or threat they may pose to others.

“As part of our commitment to deliver our Vision Zero strategy, supporting this campaign is a welcome addition to our own work we are doing to change behaviours to greatly reduce the number of people killed and seriously injured on our roads.”

KCC is supporting the national campaign by promoting the key campaign messages at advertising sites across the county from today [18th July] to 27th August.


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