LCRIG celebrates 100 council members milestone

The Local Council Roads Innovation Group (LCRIG) is celebrating reaching 100 Council Members.

It says this milestone in the organisation’s history not only demonstrates the reach that LCRIG has within the highways community and within councils at all levels, but “also signifies the collaborative spirit of the group, the cornerstone upon which the organisation was founded”.

LCRIG’s President, Will Britain established the group in 2013 under the name of the Local Council Highways Investment Group (LCHIG), consisting of 11 local authorities. The group was formed to encourage councils to work together and with the ‘highways community’ to support the Department for Transport to deliver innovation on a national level. The initial vision was to elevate the status of highways in order to empower Elected Members with the information needed to decide the future of the road network for the next generation.

The group now has a membership base of 100 Council Members from across England, Scotland and Wales and more than 130 Associate Members from the supply chain.

Council membership is fully-funded, enabling members to access a suite of services free of charge. The only requirement is for councils to commit to communicating, participating and collaborating with LCRIG. As councils continue to face funding challenges, LCRIG says it offers support by helping to facilitate collaboration and discussions which ultimately help to stimulate investment in innovation and technology solutions.

In a recent member survey launched by LCRIG, over 90% of council member respondents gave a satisfaction score of 4 or 5 out of 5 for benefits of membership and over 50% of respondents scored ‘access to the LCRIG community’ as 5 out of 5 when considering the importance of member benefits.

“Since its inception, LCRIG has been making the case for local roads and we will continue to drive innovation forward and deliver value,” the organisation says in a statement.

(Picture – LCRIG)


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