Major traffic signals upgrade on A23

Obsolete traffic lights are to be replaced with new, more reliable and energy-efficient equipment at the London Road/Beehive Ring Road junction on the A23 in Crawley.

West Sussex County Council says existing traffic lights are reaching the end of their lifespan, with replacement parts difficult to source. Work is scheduled to start on 13 September, with lane closures and a speed-limit reduction through the works area for the protection of both the public and workforce.

The Beehive Ring Road, between the junction with London Road and the first roundabout south of the signals junction, will also be closed. Bus priority will continue at this junction once the works are complete.

A West Sussex Highways spokesperson said: “The new equipment will use LED technology, improving the signals’ reliability, reducing maintenance and saving energy. They will also be more reactive to traffic movements.”

The work is scheduled to take 10 weeks and estimated to cost £250,000.

(Picture – West Sussex County Council)


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