National Highways faces having to remove infill in another historic railway bridge

National Highways may have to remove concrete used to fill in the space below a disused railway bridge in Norfolk after planning officers recommended retrospective planning permission be refused.

The bridge at Congham was filled in in 2021, with engineers citing safety fears, but campaigners from HRE Group say “National Highways saw this structure as a liability and wanted rid of it. To do so, it exploited permitted development rights applying only to immediate, temporary works in emergency situations. But the infilling was intended to be permanent and took place 17 months after the company notified the local authority of its plans. No evidence of an emergency was provided; the bridge’s condition was Fair.”

Councillors in West Norfolk will make a decision at a meeting next month, but officers have recommended against giving permission.

This follows the requirement for National Highways to remove an infill at the Great Musgrave Bridge in Westmorland.

(Picture – HRE Group)


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