New era begins under bus service agreement in Brighton & Hove

A new era for improving bus services in Brighton & Hove will begin this week.

The first meeting between the council and the city’s four bus operators under a new Enhanced Partnership (EP) agreement will take place this week.

Under the new agreement, the council, along with Brighton & Hove Buses (and Metrobus), Stagecoach, Compass Travel and The Big Lemon will work together to deliver the city’s Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP).

The council was awarded £27.9 million to implement the plan last year.

This is designed to:

  • Increase passenger numbers
  • Reduce journey times
  • Increase passenger satisfaction levels
  • Improve reliability

The BSIP has already helped to deliver lower fares for young people in the city until 2025, improved the links between the Bristol and Meadowview Estates and, from this weekend, increase the number of Big Lemon and Breeze Bus services.

The EP is a legally binding agreement between the council and bus operators to deliver the city’s Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP).

It replaces the previous voluntary Quality Bus Partnership which was first established in 1997 and expanded in 2015.

Working in partnership, the EP will look to improve things like journey times and reliability through infrastructure changes, like bus lanes; support efforts to make bus travel cheaper and easier, and make the journey experience more enjoyable, with improvements to bus shelters for example. 


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