Next steps for Clevedon scheme to be agreed

Following an independent review of the Clevedon seafront and Hill Road active travel scheme, North Somerset Council’s Executive will meet next week to consider the outcomes of the review and what should happen next.

The report for consideration has been published this weeks and makes a number of recommendations for councillors to consider, including:

  • Implementing the recommendations of the scheme’s safety audit
  • Retaining the one way system and changes to Hill Road
  • Requesting council officers develop options for funding and implementation of the review’s recommendations for more substantial changes to the scheme on The Beach
  • Approving further engagement with Active Travel England, ward members and Clevedon Town Council on the next steps
  • Agreeing that another report should be considered at a special meeting of the council’s Executive in March 2024 for the purpose of setting out potential funding options for the recommended changes and a way forward.

Cllr Hannah Young, Executive Member for Highways and Transport said: “I’m pleased that we’re able to get the review’s findings in front of the Executive so soon after receiving the report and having shared it with the public.

“With Executive approval of the next steps we’ll be able to progress quickly with developing detailed proposals for scheme changes, costing these and identifying funding options and timescales.

“Executive will then be in a position to agree the extent of the work, how to fund it and when changes should be made at a special meeting in March.”


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