Northern Ireland to appoint walking and cycling champion

Infrastructure Northern Ireland is set to increase the percentage of journeys made by walking and cycling by appointing a cycling and walking champion.

Northern Ireland Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon told a Government assembly this week in Stormont that: “Our champion will ensure we deliver our commitment to increase the percentage of journeys made by walking and cycling. The champion will have a clear focus on transforming communities and developing creative solutions to support our new way of living during post COVID-19.

She added: “I want to increase the space available for people who want to walk and cycle by extending pavements, pedestrianising streets and introducing pop-up cycle lanes.”

Minister Mallon said this was about; “inspiring our communities, restructuring spaces, changing forever the way we live and changing for the better.”

The Minister said she had already identified some parts of both Belfast and Derry that could be transformed and that she had planned to work with councils to identify more areas across the north as a matter of urgency.

She added: “Changing how we use our spaces will transform communities right across Northern Ireland, creatively change lives, enable social distancing and encourage health and mental wellbeing.”


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