and North Carolina DOT launch America’s first Statewide work zone data exchange initiative

The British traffic data innovation company is partnering with the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) to launch the first statewide deployment of a Work Zone Data Exchange (WZDx) feed in the US. will aggregate and deliver comprehensive work zone data, including lane closure and road disruption information, using the feed. 

The programme is the result of a new Federal Highways Administration (FHWA) national initiative to standardise and share work zone data with multiple groups. The data will be available to navigation apps, connected and autonomous vehicles, and any company or regional authority seeking to integrate or aggregate real-time transportation information.

The company explains that this will be the largest third-party delivery of work zone data in the WZDx programme’s history, a fact that Adam Graham,’s Chief Product Officer, describes as a natural outgrowth of the company’s early commitment to the effort. “We have been part of the conversation since the beginning, helping FHWA design the work zone data exchange. It’s still evolving and with our perspective, we can assure agencies that we’ll be able to integrate their data into the national exchange, seamlessly and cost effectively as WZDx continues to grow.” Graham believes North Carolina is the perfect venue for’s technology because NCDOT operates an unusually high proportion of the state’s roads. “We are thrilled to be working with such a collaborative, forward-thinking traffic management group. They are working hard for the residents of North Carolina, and through this project, their influence will extend well beyond state borders.” 

Kelly Wells, NCDOT’s traveller information engineer who oversees the department’s website said, “We are always looking for innovative ways we can improve how to communicate information to travellers. We appreciate the partnership we have with to help us accomplish exactly that and become WZDx compliant without any cost to the taxpayer.” will deliver the data to North Carolina and its residents, through its comprehensive yet simple to operate platform. 

To view the real-time map, click here.

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