Peterborough residents asked for highways and transport views

A survey asking residents for their views on the city’s highways and transport services has been dropping through doors in Peterborough.

A random sample of around 4,300 residents will receive the National Highways and Transport public satisfaction survey asking for their views on highways and transport services, from the condition of roads and footpaths to the quality of cycling facilities.

Each survey asks residents the same questions, regardless of where they live. Now in its 16th year, it is the largest collaboration between local authorities offering the opportunity to compare results, share in best practice and identify further opportunities to work together in the future.

Last year the council was ranked as the 12th best performing highway authority in the country – improving its ranking by 27 places and scoring an above average satisfaction rating. This was also our second highest position of the nine occasions we have taken part in the survey (having been ranked first in 2020).

Peterborough was also ranked as the best highways authority in the eastern region – it has retained this position for the last six years.

Residents will be able to give their views and opinions until late August. The local and national results will be published at the end of October 2023.

Residents who receive the questionnaire can complete the survey online if they prefer. A short URL link will be printed on the front of the questionnaire, and they will be required to enter a code before completing the questionnaire.

Councillor Nigel Simons, Cabinet Member for Infrastructure, Environment and Climate Change said: “The results of this survey will enable us to find out what people in our city think about these vitally important services. It gives them the opportunity to say which services they think the council should prioritise and if possible, look to improve.

“This is not about producing a league table to champion one geographical area over another, it is about better understanding the views of residents and working together to deliver the most satisfactory yet efficient services for our residents. If you receive the survey through your door, please take the time to complete it as your views will be extremely helpful.”


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