Police Scotland: Jenoptik speed camera installed on Aberdeenshire road

The B9077 at Durris House in Aberdeenshire will be the location for Police Scotland’s North Safety Cameras Units first Vector spot speed camera.

The new Jenoptik Vector SR spot speed cameras are fully contained traffic enforcement system which differ from the more traditional fixed Gatso speed cameras. The cameras use tracking radar for spot speed enforcement and have multi lane coverage. An intelligent virtual grid is used for secondary speed verifications which means the traditional road markings are also not required. The system uses infra-red technology which allows images to be captured without the need for camera flash, says Safety Cameras Scotland.

Eric Dunion, Safety Camera Unit Manager, said: “Safety cameras are deployed where there is a history of injury collisions and an identified issue with speed. Every year the Safety Camera Unit undertakes site selection along with roads authorities to identify a list of new sites that meet the collision and speed profile criteria, as well as determining the most appropriate type of camera for enforcement. The location in question, B9077 at Durris House, had three fatal and serious collisions during the baseline period and a speed survey highlighted excessive vehicle speeds, the decision was made to install a fixed Vector camera which have the advantage of being able to enforce 24 hours a day.

“It is hoped that the camera will remind drivers of the importance of travelling within the speed limit at all times, with the aim of improving speed limit compliance and thereafter reducing collisions at the site.”


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