Putting the brakes on nuisance drivers in North East Derbyshire

North East Derbyshire District Council is putting the brakes on anti-social drivers.

A Public Spaces Protection Order is set to come into force at the end of September 2023, in a bid to put a stop to those who cause a danger and nuisance to other road users and residents.

Motorists who breach the PSPO are warned they could face a Fixed Penalty Notice of £100 or even have their vehicle seized.

Cllr Nigel Barker, Leader of North East Derbyshire District Council and Cabinet Member with responsibility for Community Safety, said: “I hope this order sends a clear message to those who use their vehicle in an anti-social manner, that this behaviour will not be tolerated in our district.

“People should not have to put up with these thoughtless acts, carried out by a minority of motorists who use the public highway as their own private racetrack.”

The order will cover the whole of North East Derbyshire district and last for the next three years.

It will prohibit any person from participating in or being a spectator of a car cruising event, including but not limited to, the following activities:

  • Performing stunts using a motor vehicle, including but not limited to: (Performing doughnuts, drifting, skidding, handbrake turns and wheel spinning)
  • Causing a danger or risk of injury to road users (including pedestrians) by speeding or racing in a motor vehicle
  • Causing an obstruction on a public highway, whether moving or stationary, including driving in convoy in a motor vehicle
  • Causing or allowing loud amplified music, or other loud noise to be emitted from a motor vehicle or from a portable device (so as to cause a nuisance)
  • Promoting, publicising or organising any car cruise or car cruising event to occur within the restricted area by the internet, social media, email, hoardings, publications or adverts
  • Sounding motor vehicle horns other than in accordance with the Highway Code in such a manner as to cause a nuisance to persons in the locality of the restricted area
  • Revving of motor vehicle engines so as to cause a nuisance to persons in the locality of the restricted area.

Exception – An activity or behaviour which is authorised by the owner of that part of the restricted area where the activity or behaviour is taking place is not in breach of this order.

Between 01/01/2023 and 30/06/2023, there were 232 recorded incidents relating to nuisance/ASB vehicles in North East Derbyshire.

A public consultation, carried out by North East Derbyshire District Council, found that 94% of people supported the PSPO.


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