Red light spells danger: Intersection warning system imminent

A new red light running warning system that can reduce human errors at intersections is set to be introduced in the US.

Red light violations remain a prominent issue and high contributor to serious crashes and casualties at signalized intersections. An ongoing research project, funded by the Local Road Research Board, and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) State Transportation Innovation Council (STIC) Incentive program, is developing and testing a warning system that signals drivers as they approach a red light and prompts them to decelerate.

The purpose of this study was to develop a red-light running warning system (RLRWS) to caution drivers ahead of a red light. The system consists of an onboard unit and roadside device that uses dedicated short-range communication receivers and GPS chips to receive location, speed, and signal phase and timing (SPaT). The results are displayed on a computer screen connected to the system. The information is used in the RLRWS algorithm, which uses stop bar locations and continuously updates the warning system as the vehicle approaches the intersection, says Crossroads.

In May, principal investigator, Michael Levin, and co-investigator, Zongxuan Sun, from the University of Minnesota, provided the technical advisory panel a demonstration to simulate the device in real time on Scott County’s Hwy 18 and 21 intersection. Inside the vehicle, the onboard unit receives SPaT and map information from the roadside unit and broadcasts basic safety messages to drivers.

The red-light running warning system is in its final review stages and sparks an initiative to use signal timing data to reduce collision risks at traditional intersections.

“We’re focusing on two areas: 1) developing the driver interface to appropriately assist drivers; and 2) testing by some drivers on a larger number of intersections,” added Levin.

(Pic – Gynane/Dreasmtime)


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