Roads “made safer” by TWM speed signs

Manchester-based TWM Traffic Control Systems says residents of the Wirral have seen improvements to local road safety thanks to newly installed electronic vehicle-activated signage.

TWM, which is part of The Pilot Group, secured a three-year deal with Wirral Council to introduce a solution that would help to improve speed awareness and make roads across the region safer.

The contract, which is worth almost half a million pounds, has seen TWM design, supply and install over 20 LED Vehicle Activated Signs across the Wirral Council area.

The VAS, which help to warn drivers of any impending danger due to excessive speeds or unforeseen hazards, use radar technology to detect oncoming vehicles and includes a combination of sensors and wireless communications. By only illuminating upon detection of a car, the signs are also able to avoid any wasted energy and could be powered off-grid or by renewable energy sources where possible.

It says that since installation, the VAS solutions have seen up to a 16% reduction in speed across some areas and have received positive feedback from residents and Wirral Council, which have already appointed TWM to complete additional work in the area. This includes VAS speed control signs with twin amber flashers, ‘slow down’ safety message and LED ‘keep left’ signage.

It says Wirral Council are also looking to begin using the TWM central management system for the signage, which allows remote monitoring and sign updates. This avoids wasted trips to the signage as maintenance can be managed through the CMS, saving valuable resource in staff, time, and money, as well as unnecessary travel.

The data collected can also be useful for police intelligence, customer enquiries and to help justify further investment in road safety measures.

Carl Amos, Senior Network Manager at Wirral Council, said, “The new signs act a reminder to road users to reduce speed and take extra care. The locations have been chosen based on known areas of speeding to help create speed awareness and increase driver safety.

“LED lights are used in the signs – with the signs being either wind and/or solar powered – to make them as sustainable as possible. This is a common goal for all of the council’s highways assets as the council plans to achieve ‘net zero’ carbon emissions by 2030.”

Chris Rayner, National Sales Manager for TWM, added, “It has been a significant opportunity for TWM to work with Wirral Council to provide their LED vehicle activated signage. The solutions we provide will ensure we increase road safety throughout the region, improve traffic flow and ultimately lower congestion throughout Wirral.

“The signage will also help with improving air quality by reducing emissions associated with excessive speeding, which is a key focus for us at TWM moving forward.”

Kev Marshall, Group Business Unit Director for Pilot Group, commented, “The solutions provided by TWM will make the Wirral a safer place to live and work, and use of the TWM CMS system ensures we are collaborating with Wirral Council to work smarter and more sustainably.

“As a UK provider of innovative products and services, we are pleased to be working with a local council here in the North West, and look forward to continuing to build this relationship over the next three years of our contract with Wirral Council”.

(Picture – TWM)


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