Several major contractors win places on TfL’s Surface Transport Infrastructure Construction Framework

Kier, Eurovia, Tarmac and FM Conway are among the winners on Transport for London’s Surface Transport Infrastructure Construction Framework.

Costain and VolkerFitzpatrick also feature on the framework which will mainly cover highway work but also possibly other surface related assets in London as well.

Transport for London’s bid process meant that the companies with the most “economically advantageous” tenders were directly awarded medium-complexity projects.

Mini competitions will be held for all six firms to attempt to secure jobs valued at £25M or higher, reports New Civil Engineer.

“This framework relates to delivery of enhancements and renewals capital projects and programmes and associated works/services,” said the contract award notice.

“Works/services will be instructed via call-off contracts to construct new or to enhance, renew, strengthen or undertake other interventions to highway and surface structures infrastructure assets under the control of TfL or other highway authorities in London pursuant to relevant highways legislation.”


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