Sussex Police “exits local road safety partnership”

It’s reported Sussex Police has decided to leave the the Sussex Safer Roads Partnership, with the county’s Police and Crime Commissioner quoted as calling it “stale”.

The BBC says the SSRP, which involves some local councils, emergency services and National Highways, works to reduce road deaths and injuries through education, engagement, enforcement and engineering, but that PCC Katy Bourne told it a “major” reason behind the SSRP exit was that police believed there were “better” ways of working with local partners.

“It’s been around for a long time,” the BBC quotes her as saying. “As with any partnership, things can get stale and ways of thinking can get stuck in ruts.”

The report adds East Sussex County Councillor Ian Hollidge encouraged the force to stay in the partnership, saying too many people were scared by “erratic and irresponsible” drivers.

(Picture – SSRP)


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