New Brighton & Hove cabinet approves £4m Hove seafront cycle lane

A £4 million cycle lane along Hove seafront has been approved by Brighton & Hove Council’s cabinet. The scheme involves removing one lane on the existing westbound side of the A259 Kingsway between Fourth Avenue and the Hove Street traffic lights, by the King Alfred Leisure Centre. Between Hove Street and Wharf Road, by Hove […]

Safe, active and sustainable travel for the A259

Ambitious plans for a new seafront cycle lane and public realm improvements that will support and promote active and sustainable travel in Brighton & Hove will be presented to councillors next week. At the first meeting of the council’s new cabinet, members will be shown a vision for walking and cycling along the seafront from the […]

47 city roads in Brighton & Hove being resurfaced over next two months

A resurfacing programme will see 47 roads in Brighton & Hove treated between June and the end of July. As part of the council’s ongoing commitment to improve the condition of its roads and the look and feel of Brighton & Hove, a programme of ‘micro-resurfacing’ will take place on almost 100,000 square metres of […]

Safe, accessible, and sustainable travel key to 2024/25 Local Transport Plan in Brighton

Brighton & Hove Council is committing more than £23 million to making Brighton and Hove’s roads better and safer over the next year. The council’s Strategy, Finance and City Regeneration committee looks set to approve a local Transport Plan (LTP) for 2024/25 when it meets on Thursday 14 March. The committee will be presented with a report […]

Parking changes and safer roads discussed at Brighton & Hove Council committee meeting

Road safety and the future of parking in Brighton & Hove were the main themes from a busy Transport and Sustainability committee meeting this week. Councillors spent more than three hours discussing several reports presented to them, voting to approve measures to improve the safety, implement the first elements of a wider parking review and […]

Tackling potholes and improving the city’s roads in Brighton & Hove

Work is well underway on a programme to improve the condition, look and feel of the city’s roads in Brighton & Hove. Between now and next spring, miles of road will be either treated or resurfaced to tackle potholes and wear and tear. The work also includes refurbishing a dozen traffic signals. The programme means […]

Western Road to reopen ahead of schedule

With work progressing well, Brighton & Hove Council has planned to reopen Western Road to eastbound buses ahead of schedule, ending the need to divert them. Working with the contractor, the council said it is confident the earlier reopening can be achieved on or before Monday 14 August. The roadworks on Upper North Street are […]

New machinery helps with weeding in Brighton

Brighton & Hove City Council has been trialling new machinery for weeding as part of a review into how it maintains pavements across the city. This includes mechanical sweepers, weed rippers and specialist strimmers with weed ripping brushes. Councillor Tim Rowkins and Councillor Theresa Fowler recently met with members of the Cityclean team to inspect […]

New era begins under bus service agreement in Brighton & Hove

A new era for improving bus services in Brighton & Hove will begin this week. The first meeting between the council and the city’s four bus operators under a new Enhanced Partnership (EP) agreement will take place this week. Under the new agreement, the council, along with Brighton & Hove Buses (and Metrobus), Stagecoach, Compass Travel and […]

Ten new pedestrian crossings for safer city roads in Brighton & Hove

Improving road safety is on the agenda when members of the Brighton & Hove City Council Environment, Transport and Sustainability (ETS) committee meet next week.  Councillors will be asked to approve a priority list of ten new pedestrian crossings around Brighton & Hove identified through our Pedestrian Crossing Priority Programme. This is reviewed annually and assesses […]


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