UK Platooning showcased

A world-first platooning trial will be showcased in East London next week, showing off lorries which enabled them to travel in a platoon, with speed and braking of following lorries reacting to the actions of the lead vehicle. HelmUK, led by TRL, was the world’s first HGV platooning trial to take place in a live […]

Government awards nearly £2m to innovative transport proposals

Entrepreneurs and innovators pioneering new ways of creating a more efficient transport system are being backed by funding from the Department for Transport. 51 projects have been awarded a share of £1.95 million as part of the Government’s Transport Research and Innovation Grant (TRIG) programme – the largest number of projects backed in the programme’s […]

If transport is to get funding, it needs to tell the right story – opinion

One of the architects of a major new reference document to guide local authorities in using technology to deliver service, has explained how it is vital authorities can clearly explain why such investment is so important. Darren Capes from the Department for Transport has written a blog post promoting the Manual for Smart Streets which […]

Manual for Smart Streets launch event on Monday 21 March

The Connected Places Catapult will officially launch the Manual for Smart Streets at an online event from 1.30pm on Monday 21 March. Sign up here. The Manual is intended to provide guidance to support local authorities in implementing technology that supports traffic management and the operation of streets. This includes how traffic signals will develop to connect […]

Manual for Smart Streets explained

One of the authors of a major new reference document for local authorities to make their roads more efficient has issued a blog post explaining more about it. Mobility Integration Team Lead at Connected Places Catapult, Daniel Hobbs, is working with colleagues and the Transport Technology Forum on the Manual for Smart Streets, which highlights […]

ServCity begins London driverless testing

The UK’s newest autonomous mobility service research project, ServCity has begun its testing phase on the streets of London, in a bid to help cities solve how they can harness the latest autonomous vehicle technologies and successfully incorporate them into a complex urban environment. ServCity is jointly funded by government and industry, the government’s £100m […]

ITS (UK) Forum meeting hears why private logistics firms benefit when sharing their data

Freight and logistics experts in the UK’s Intelligent Transport Systems Industry Association have been presented with a compelling case for haulage firms to share more data to make their industry more efficient. The ITS (UK) Freight Forum meeting heard from Connected Places Catapult Principal Engineer Shyful Choudhury who outlined a new project he’s running to […]


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