TfL: 2024 active travel grant applications open for community groups of all backgrounds

Applications for TfL’s Walking and Cycling Grants London programme, with more than £565,000 of grant funding available for community and not-for-profit groups that encourage people to walk and cycle. Each successful applicant will receive up to £8,000 over two years with an opportunity to extend their project for another year and receive an additional £2,000. […]

TfL launches Cycle Sundays initiative 

Transport for London (TfL) is launching a major new programme of leisurely cycle routes and support to encourage Londoners who are new to cycling to explore the capital by cycle on Sundays. TfL Cycle Sundays, which has been developed in collaboration with leading cycling organisations, aims to offer beginner friendly journeys for Londoners, backed up […]

DfT: New laws to be introduced to prosecute dangerous cyclists

The Government has today agreed to introduce new laws so cyclists who kill or seriously injure because of dangerous cycling, or who kill through careless cycling, face the same penalties as drivers and motorcyclists who do so. Ministers have backed an amendment to the Criminal Justice Bill, put forward by Sir Iain Duncan Smith MP, to […]

Government spending £2.9m to enable cyclists to use Hammersmith Bridge

Cyclists will be able to cross London’s Hammersmith Bridge again, as Ministers promise nearly £3 million to resurface the bridge to provide a new cycle lane. Once the resurfacing works are completed, cyclists will no longer have to dismount from their bikes and use the separate footpath, allowing them to cross the bridge quickly and […]

Reading’s active travel plans receive £500k boost

Reading Council has secured funding of £538,000 to develop plans to further improve cycling and pedestrian facilities. The award from the government agency Active Travel England will help the Council develop detailed designs for schemes at Sidmouth Street and Christchurch Green. The funding supports the Council’s aim to encourage cycling and walking in the borough […]

Enabling active travel can improve the UK’s health, says report

A new British Medical Journey report has revealed that tre is an urgent need to improve the nation’s health as it has worsened over the pandemic. There is an abundance of evidence and reports that exercise is a miracle cure that improves physical and mental health and reduces demands on NHS services and the need […]

Active Travel appeals to Scots

Aberdeen residents want to drive less and at the same time walk, cycle or wheel more, research for a national report has revealed. This latest Sustrans Walking and Cycling Index shows 23% of residents want to drive less, 50% of residents want to walk or wheel more, and 47% want to cycle more. Aberdeen City […]

New TfL data shows sustained increases in walking and cycling in the capital

Transport for London  has published new data from its annual Travel in London  report, which shows that there have been continued increases in the levels of walking and cycling in London. The new data shows that the number of daily cycle journeys increased in 2023 to hit an estimated 1.26 million journeys per day, up by 6.3 per cent from 1.19 million […]

TfL and Hounslow Council complete work on latest phase of Cycleway 9

Transport for London and Hounslow Council have completed work on the latest phase of the Cycleway 9 route in west London. Cycleway 9 is a major addition to London’s growing network of Cycleways, which TfL says is enabling thousands of improved walking and cycling journeys between Brentford, Kew, Chiswick, Hammersmith and beyond each week, which […]

TfL launches four new Cycleways

Transport for London has launched four new Cycleways in Enfield and Waltham Forest that have further expanded the network. The new or extended routes have been delivered alongside TfL’s and the boroughs’ existing programme to build new walking and cycling infrastructure, and has added six miles to London’s network of safe cycle routes. More than 40% of […]


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