More police forces join National Highways trial of Acusensus safety cameras

A trial of new mobile technology which can automatically detect motorists who are not wearing a seatbelt or using mobile phones while driving is being extended, with police across the country taking part. Ten police forces will be using the kit from Australian company Acusensus, which is mounted to a vehicle or trailer and has […]

Acusensus hail AA support for AI distracted driving solution

The manager of AI road safety company Acusensus says the AA’s call for their technology to be rolled out across the UK is an important step towards the solution being used operationally, saving lives on our highways. Geoff Collins has welcomed the AA Charitable Trust’s support for the cameras which automatically detect whether people could […]

Merseyside using Acusensus technology to identify distracted drivers

Merseyside Police have announced they are using technology from the road safety company Acusensus which utilises artificial intelligence to identify individuals using their mobile phone or traveling without a seatbelt. The force says this will support road safety enforcement with the implementation of a mobile device fitted to a van to allow for mobile enforcement meaning […]

JCT Traffic Signals Symposium to hear about AI solution making road safer

Delegates at the popular JCT Traffic Signals Symposium in Nottingham next month will hear about more than traffic signals and traffic management, as details are shared of a revolutionary new enforcement solution which automatically identifies distracted and unsafe drivers. Geoff Collins, General Manager of the UK division of Australian technology company Acusensus will share details […]

New Acusensus road safety technology trailer arrives in UK

Road safety company Acusensus taken delivery of the first of three new trailers for use in the UK which are equipped solutions to automatically detect people illegally using mobile phones at the wheel, or not wearing a seatbelt. The Australian-based company’s trailers and will be used to identify road users illegally using their mobile devices or not […]

Enforcement expert Collins explains why latest technology can make our roads safer

One of the UK’s leading experts in enforcement technology has written a reflection on road safety in which he highlights the value of technology in improving road safety and discusses how it can be made easier for authorities to implement safety schemes, asking “If technology can reduce the loss of life, why not use it?” […]

Enforcement expert Collins takes on new role with Acusensus

One of the UK’s pioneers of average speed camera technology, Geoff Collins, has taken on a new role with Australian AI camera technology company Acusensus. As General Manager, UK, he will lead the company’s expansion into the UK market, bringing tried-and-tested technology enabled solutions to detect, among other things, people illegally using mobile phones at […]

Highways Voices highlights and when things went wrong – yes, it’s the Christmas blooper edition

Subscribe to Highways Voices free on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts or Pocket Casts and never miss an episode! Back in January, Highways News created a new podcast series “Highways Voices”. Thousands of listeners later, we’re celebrating the end of the first year of programmes with a special highlights edition – and some examples of where things didn’t quite go […]


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