Call for mobility scooter users to be included in the Highway Code

Campaigners are calling for the urgent addition of mobility scooter users to the Highway Code alongside other vulnerable road users, following alarming new data showing that fatalities among mobility scooter users in 2023 nearly doubled compared to the previous year. DfT road casualty data has revealed that 16 mobility scooter users were killed and 80 […]
Survey finds the UK’s seven most hated driving habits

New research of 2,000 UK motorists, conducted by Vertu Motors, has delved into the behaviours and habits of other drivers that cause the most frustration on the road. The responses suggest that almost half of the drivers say tailgating is the most annoying habit (47%), while 34% chose to fail to indicate as their biggest […]
Pedestrian casualties rise after Highway Code changes

New research suggests the dangers facing pedestrians has risen since changes to road user priorities, after the latest provisional Government figures show more than 16 people are killed or seriously injured on our Roads every day. Admiral Car Insurance carried out the research, and says it highlights “the lack of understanding on the different types […]
Highway Code updated to cover driverless vehicles

The Department for Transport has announced details of updates to the Highway Code which will allow people to watch videos on the in-built screen, but not use their mobile phones. Use of self-driving technology is likely to be approved at slow speeds with the proviso the driver is ready to take back control. The Government […]
AA warns Highway Code changes could lead to more rear-end crashes

There’s a warning changes to the Highway Code mean drivers will now have to stop for pedestrians waiting to cross at junctions, with the AA warning that means motorists would be at risk of being rear-ended. The new rules, which came into force over the weekend, mean drivers will have more responsibility to look out […]
DfT launches Highway Code awareness campaign

The Government’s THINK! campaign is about to launch a £500,000 communications drive, to raise awareness of changes to the Highway Code, so road-users across the country understand their responsibilities. The campaign will run across radio and social media channels, with further campaign activity to follow later in the summer. The changes are set to come […]