Chris Grayling on his experiences as Transport Secretary on this week’s Highways Voices

“Don’t try and talk to the politicians – the truth is actually having good relations with… politicians will have very little impact on the actual decisions government takes,” explains former Transport Secretary Chris Grayling on this week’s Highways Voices. He joined an ITS UK meeting last week and was interviewed by Highways Voices host Paul […]

ITS UK welcomes new councillors and mayors

ITS UK has welcomed newly elected and re-elected Councillors and Mayors following the local elections on 2 May, issuing a briefing on the key benefits intelligent transport can provide to communities across the UK. The briefing sets out how local policymakers, through technology, can support a more integrated, safer and efficient transport network for their […]

ITS UK launches 18th Annual Awards and President’s Dinner

Intelligent Transport Systems UK (ITS UK), the voice of the UK’s transport technology industry, has launched the 18th Annual Awards and President’s Dinner, the leading national celebration of intelligent transport. The Awards cover the use of technology across transport – covering areas like digitalisation and digital services, sustainability, accessibility, exports and more. This year there are […]

ITS UK and Portsmouth welcome traffic signals funding announcement

Max Sugarman, Chief Executive of Intelligent Transport Systems UK (ITS UK) has welcomed the announcement by the Department for Transport, through the Transport Technology Forum, of the local authorities who will receive funding from the £50 million for traffic signals set out in the Plan for Drivers. Said Sugarman: “Congratulations to the many local authorities who have […]

ITS UK calls for VAT support for Demand Responsive Transport

The industry association for transport technology, Intelligent Transport Systems UK, has issued an open letter calling for changes to VAT to support the roll out of Demand Responsive Transport. DRT is an innovative approach to public transport that utilises technology to provide dynamic, on-demand bus services for local communities, and ITS UK says DRT is […]

ITS UK welcomes Call for Evidence on HOTA approval process for enforcement technology

The Government has launched a Call for Evidence on Home Office Type Approval (HOTA), the process by which enforcement technology is approved to ensure that evidence from devices can be admissible in UK courts without eye-witness corroboration. Industry body ITS UK says the Call for Evidence is a “significant win” for its “Let’s Get HOTA […]

Study to help guide export efforts

The manager of the Transport Technology Forum says a new study into the intelligent transport systems industry’s export opportunities will help Government focus its efforts to support UK businesses grow internationally. The Department for Transport, through the TTF funded the ITS Exports Study produced by ITS UK, who gathered views from more than 100 ITS […]

Exports Study shows positive future for UK intelligent transport industry

 A new study into the export opportunities for the intelligent transport systems (ITS) sector has revealed an industry optimistic about future growth. The ITS Exports Study, delivered by Intelligent Transport Systems UK (ITS UK), the voice of the UK transport technology sector, and supported by the Transport Technology Forum, gathered views from over 100 ITS […]

Latest VESOS award shows growing “recognition of benefits” of its lifesaving technology

The start-up eCall road safety solutions company VESOS says its latest award is a further demonstration of how the industry is understanding the technology’s life-saving potential. The TeCall data processing platform won the Connected and Automated Vehicle Award at the ITS UK President’s Dinner last week.  The solution delivers faster response and detailed information using […]

ITS UK announces export study launch

ITS UK has announced the launch of a new report, developed in partnership with the Department for Transport, highlighting the key overseas markets for UK companies delivering transport technology solutions. The report builds on a survey of more than 100 businesses to examine the export potential of the sector and how industry and Government can […]


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