Tougher punishments planned for repeat motoring offenders

Motorists who repeatedly offend will face a more serious consequences from courts next year after concerns were raised that magistrates are being “dangerously lenient” in allowing them to stay behind the wheel. The Sunday Times reports that, in theory, a driver with points on their licence, accrued within a three-year period, should expect an automatic […]

Agilysis Launches Safe System Capacity Survey to evaluate situation across Britain

In anticipation of the release of the Road Safety Framework from the Department for Transport, Agilysis is launching a new national survey to understand the existing capacity we have for implementing the Safe System in Britain. The survey is asking; how well equipped are local authorities, emergency services and partners to influence all aspects of […]

Government urged to “get a grip” on dangerous and illegal e-scooters

The independent Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety is calling on the UK Government to act decisively on the growing problems of unsafe and illegal e-scooter use.  In a new report it points out that 15 people have now died while illegal use of private e-scooters, eleven of them in 2021 alone. Furthermore in a […]

Ten died on e-scooters in 2021 – PACTS

Latest research from the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety has found that ten people were killed and another 133 seriously injured on e-scooters in Britain last year. PACTS has been awarded a grant by the Road Safety Trust to collect data relating to incidents involving these micro-mobility devices and to form recommendations for their […]

PACTS issues another e-scooter safety warning

The Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety has written a letter to Future of Transport Minister Trudy Harrison asking her to issue statements to retailers, the public and the police over the legality of private e-scooters. Although trial rental schemes enable people to use regulated e-scooters legally in around 32 towns and cities in England, […]

MPs warned not to rush into legalising private e-scooters

MPS are being told there is a “world of safety difference” between e-scooter rental schemes and the use of private e-scooters. The Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety says any evaluation of rental trials cannot and should not be automatically applied to regulations for private e-scooters.  The safety of private e-scooters in the UK, an interim report […]

Government urged to mandate alcolocks in fight against drink-driving

The Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety, PACTS, is urging the Government to introduce alcohol interlocks , known as “alcolocks”, as soon as possible for drivers convicted of drink driving. In a new report, it says this would reduce the high level of reoffending and cut the number of deaths and injuries that result. Alcohol […]

PACTS asks ITS (UK) for approvals feedback

The UK’s enforcement technology industry is being urged to give feedback on aspects of legislation and approvals that it feels could be improved. At a meeting of the ITS (UK) Enforcement Forum, David Davies, Executive Director of the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety suggested that there may be shortcomings in the Home Office Type […]

Government urged to stress overall transport risks, not just Covid

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps is being urged to give the public all the details of risks of travel by road compared to public transport, rather than just concentrating on potential issues around Coronavirus. The Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety has written to him warning that, while road traffic is now almost back to pre-lockdown […]