New project surveys potential benefits of digital roads
A new project is getting underway to analyse the potential benefits of increasing connectivity and use of digital technology on local roads in England to create “digital roads”. Digital Roads is a broad concept where increasing use of information technology, data and connectivity allows step-changes to the way roads are designed, built, managed and used. […]
UK Platooning showcased
A world-first platooning trial will be showcased in East London next week, showing off lorries which enabled them to travel in a platoon, with speed and braking of following lorries reacting to the actions of the lead vehicle. HelmUK, led by TRL, was the world’s first HGV platooning trial to take place in a live […]
Ryan Hood re-elected as ITS (UK) Chair
The Chair of the UK’s Intelligent Transport Systems Industry Association, Ryan Hood, has been re-elected for a third year. The Society’s Annual General Meeting also approved Karla Jakeman of Innovate UK to continue as Vice Chair. The topical directors are: International Director: Niosha Kayhani of Cubic Transportation Systems, Membership Director: Graeme Scott of IBI, Early […]
TRL Software wins key National Highways contract to replace pavement management system
National Highways (NH) has commissioned TRL Software to provide it with a new pavement asset management system, known as P-AMS. This will be configured upon the cloud-based product iROADS, which is a commercially available off-the-shelf tool designed for various infrastructure assets. It will replace NH’s existing 20-year-old HAPMS platform early next year. Using iROADS means TRL […]
Unified Traffic Control gives cleaner and safer roads – TRL CEO Paul Campion shares details on this week’s Highways Voices
Subscribe to Highways Voices free on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts or Pocket Casts and never miss an episode! This week’s Highways Voices analyses how a refresh of the way software is delivering the most efficient transport network based on existing roadside hardware. Paul Campion of TRL discusses the best way to manage traffic in towns and cities using a […]
Getting a flavour of Intertraffic Amsterdam on this week’s Highways Voices
Subscribe to Highways Voices free on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts or Pocket Casts and never miss an episode! This week’s Highways Voices comes from the huge Intertraffic event in Amsterdam. In this podcast, where we scratch the surface of the event you can hear Paul Hutton talk to two CEOs, Michael Schuch of SWARCO and TRL’s Paul Campion, plus […]
ServCity begins London driverless testing
The UK’s newest autonomous mobility service research project, ServCity has begun its testing phase on the streets of London, in a bid to help cities solve how they can harness the latest autonomous vehicle technologies and successfully incorporate them into a complex urban environment. ServCity is jointly funded by government and industry, the government’s £100m […]
Shortlist for Intertraffic Awards features Jenoptik, SWARCO and TRL
The shortlist of nominees has been announced for the Intertraffic Awards 2022, featuring three companies extremely active in the UK – TRL, SWARCO and Jenoptik. The awards are recognising, not two, but four year’s worth of excellence, following the postponement of the previous edition of the biennial competition. The winners will be revealed during the […]
TRL Develops Roadmap to Enable Remote Operation of CAVs by 2035
TRL has published a roadmap to enable the remote operation of connected and automated vehicles by 2035 as the final piece of the Project Endeavour programme. The aim is to provide a pathway to allow the removal of the Safety Driver and Test Assistant roles from an automated vehicle for remotely operated on-highway operations in […]
TRL demonstrates hydrogen-powered ship solution
A consortium of partners led by TRL and part-funded by Innovate UK has announced the UK’s first demonstration of zero-emission marine technology in the Tees Valley as an example of how the freight sector could use hydrogen technology to decarbonise. In a bid to show the path available for the maritime sector to decarbonise, the […]