Thurrock councillors call for Lower Thames Crossing to be scrapped

Councillors in Thurrock have called on the Government to rethink the Lower Thames Crossing scheme.

Campaigners are hoping the £10billion Lower Thames Crossing (LTC) will be among a raft of major road projects the new Labour Government has put on hold.

However, some councillors believe it could be the right time to rethink the scheme which would link Kent with Essex via two new 2.5 mile tunnels under the Thames.

Andrew Jeffries, leader of the Thurrock Conservative Group, said: “My position and that of Thurrock Council Conservative group is the same as it always has been. We believe there is a clear need for a LTC but we are opposed to the proposed route, says Your Thurrock.

“Our position is that a crossing further down river would be more appropriate. The option put forward by National Highways does little to benefit Thurrock or our residents and would essentially cut the borough in two.”

The scheme is designed to alleviate pressure on the Dartford Crossing but some fear it would worsen Thurrock’s congestion problems.

Mr Jeffries added: “I call on the Government to see sense and scrap the current option whilst not abandoning altogether plans for a LTC. It is clear that the Dartford Crossing is at capacity and this will only worsen with time.

“In the longer term, to do nothing is little better than persevering with the current plans. Those is the west of the borough suffer particularly when there is an incident at the crossing, when local roads become gridlocked and we do therefore need a solution. The option put forward by National Highways is just not it.”

Fraser Massey, Independent councillor for East Tilbury said: “I was very much hoping to hear the LTC on the list of projects being cancelled or delayed, the LTC is already out of date before the planning process has concluded. At a time when the voice of Government states “we can’t do, what we can’t afford” I remain hopeful the cost of the LTC in terms of £s and carbon will spell its ultimate demise.


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