Traffic management, modelling and the next gen connectivity on this week’s Highways Voices

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In this Highways Voices we return to Amsterdam for more conversation from the exhibition floor of the huge Intertraffic event.

We talk to the CEO of Yunex, Marcus Schlitt about the pace of change in the newly-branded company and then CEO Alex Torday, the new CEO of Yunex’s subsidiary Aimsun detailing fixing traffic jams before they happen.

We also introduce Smartmicro… a company known in the UK through its distributor Smart Video and Sensing, who’re doing interesting things with detection, as founder Ralph Mende explains, while on the huge Kapsch stand we talk next-generation connectivity with VP of Demand Management Michael Ganser before rounding up the show with Michael Tooker, an SVP with Redflex’s new owners Verra Mobility.

On top of that we hear news from our partners, and headlines from Adrian Tatum who also brings us “Adrian’s Accolade”.

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