TTF signals funding Q&A webinar now online to watch again

A recording of special webinar to help local authorities, suppliers and consultants understand the application process for a share of £70 million of extra funding to upgrade and maintain traffic signals is now online.

The webinar supports those working on applying for part of £40 million of the money, which was announced in the Government’s Plan for Drivers in October. 

These consist of £20 million in the Traffic Signals Obsolescence Grant (TSOG) to upgrade traffic signal systems, replacing unreliable and obsolete equipment to improve reliability, and £20 million in the Green Light Fund (GLF) to tune up traffic signals to better reflect current traffic conditions and get traffic flowing.

In the webinar, TTF Manager Darren Capes answers a series of questions around what the money can be spent on, timescales, which funding should authorities choose to apply for and evaluation and monitoring.

The allocations process, which is being managed by the Transport Technology Forum, is the same as that used for the 2021 Traffic Signal Maintenance allocation, and is open to all English local highway and combined authorities outside London.  Applications are open until 22 December 2023.

Watch the webinar here.

(Picture – TTF)


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