US “may ban Chinese connected vehicles or impose restrictions”

The US could take “extreme action” and ban Chinese connected vehicles or impose restrictions on them, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said on Wednesday, in the first indication a ban could be on the table after a national security investigation.

The Commerce Department is reviewing public comments that were due by April 30, Raimondo told Reuters, on a probe the Biden administration launched in February into whether Chinese vehicle imports pose national security risks, says Business Standard.

“We have to digest all the data and then figure out what action that we want to take,” Raimondo said without detailing a timeline. “We could take extreme action, which is to say no Chinese connected vehicles in the United States or look for mitigation” including safeguards, guardrails or other requirements.

he White House said in February the Commerce probe was being opened because vehicles “collect large amounts of sensitive data on their drivers and passengers (and) regularly use their cameras and sensors to record detailed information on US infrastructure.”

White House officials told reporters in February it was too early to say what action might be taken on connected Chinese vehicles.

Raimondo said at a US House of Representatives hearing she was concerned about Chinese connected vehicles that “could be collecting massive amounts of data on Americans, who they are, what they say in their car, where they go to, their patterns of driving.” She added the United States needs “to take the threat much more seriously” of Chinese connected vehicles and other tech issues.


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