VINCI Highways introduces new free-flow brand ViaPlus

VINCI Highways, one of the world leaders in highway concessions, has introduced a new mobility brand ViaPlus.

Specialising in free-flow traffic systems, ViaPlus serves the end-to-end needs of transportation authorities by bringing the full range of back-office technologies for high-volume transactions, customer operations and data analytics.

The new company, fully owned by VINCI Highways, is the merged product of TollPlus and Cofiroute USA.

ViaPlus’ teams will take charge of VINCI Highways’ existing free-flow contracts in the USA, Europe, and India, and will be the source for future development in the segment. VINCI Highways is a subsidiary of VINCI Concessions, whose international network of airports, highways, and railways will be able to integrate ViaPlus’ services for different mobility modes.

Free-flow solutions have proven benefits for infrastructure efficiency and environmental performance versus conventional systems. As traffic moves at more consistent speeds without the need to stop and pay, reduced congestion can lower CO₂ emissions by up to 60% on a given toll section of a free-flow highway as compared to a traditional gated toll plaza1.

Belen Marcos, executive vice-president of VINCI Concessions and President of VINCI Highways, declared: “Under the leadership of transportation agencies, VINCI Highways has been a world pioneer of free-flow services. We are notably the first operator to have developed a fully automated highway in the USA – the 91 Express Lanes in California. As people increasingly expect digital solutions from the transportation modes they choose, we are bringing new capacity to the market with ViaPlus. We will keep operating our existing contracts at best level and grow our presence in the USA and across the international networks of VINCI Highways and VINCI Concessions”.

Richard Arce, CEO of ViaPlus, declared: “The benefits we bring to customers are already recognized in the free-flow industry. For instance, our commercial back office for the North Texas Tollway Authority in Dallas, USA, processes more than three million free-flow transactions daily. In Europe, we operate the back office and services for Europe’s first interoperable free-flow highway in Dublin. We look forward to new growth as needs for seamless mobility continue to rapidly develop”.

1Study conducted by the Carbon Trust for VINCI Concessions, 2021.


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