130 areas of Scotland could get 20 mph limits

A council in Scotland is looking to introduce a blanket 20 mile per hour speed limit on roads in its villages and towns.

The Press and Journal newspaper reports Transport Scotland has asked Highland Council to be its pilot local authority for a national 20 mph speed limit plan.

Highland Council has already delivered the speed restrictions in 70 areas and says with more funding and staff, it could deliver more.

If members agree to the pilot in a vote this week, it will attract significant funding to the council. It will also see Transport Scotland pay for Tracsis speed monitoring technology, which it says will help the council evaluate road safety before and after speed restrictions.

It comes as people in the area agreed to the introduction of new traffic calming measures designed to improve road safety and encourage walking, cycling and wheeling in Invergordon (pictured).

The council says the aims of the scheme are to encourage casualty reduction and severity, as well as improve the safety of school children who are susceptible to ‘visual looming’, which refers to changes in optical size as objects (like vehicles) approach.

The measures are being funded through Transport Scotland’s Cycling, Walking and Safer Routes external grant funding and a note of support was received from Police Scotland.

(Picture – Highland Council)


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