£2 million to be spent on improving Carmarthenshire roads

Almost £2million is being invested in Carmarthenshire roads over the next few months.

Carmarthenshire County Council has announced that 37 sections of road will be resurfaced after funding was made available from the council’s capital works programme and the Welsh Government.

This new investment is in addition to a programme of preventative dressing treatment which is already underway.

Short term road closures will be necessary on some sections however these will be planned to minimise disruption as far as possible. All work will be carried out in line with latest Covid-19 guidance and social distancing requirements.

The council’s Executive Board Member for environment, Cllr Hazel Evans, said: “This is a significant amount of money that we have secured to improve our roads in the county. Whilst we can’t treat every road, the combined improvements will support safer and improved journeys for Carmarthenshire’s road users.”


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