Highways projects fell 12% in 2020

There was a 12% in the amount of digging work taking place on the UK’s highways last year, according to the Digging up Britain 2021 report. The study by LSBUD, which provides a free to use online search facility for underground pipes and cables, reveals that there were 369,138 searches through its portal relating to […]

Women in ITS told “you’re first class”

The UK’s Intelligent Transport Society’s Women in ITS Group has heard a rousing speech from one of the industry’s most experienced professionals explaining why they bring fresh thinking into the industry, and that women should be confident in their abilities. Professor Eric Sampson spoke at the Women in ITS meeting to mark International Women in […]

LCRIG launches new Innovation Fund with support of WJ Group in tribute to Steve Berry OBE

A new £150,000 Innovation Fund for road surface treatments is being made available through the Local Council Roads Innovation Group (LCRIG) in partnership with the leading highway marking and safety business WJ Group, who are funding the project. The money will be available to local highway authorities, universities, private sector companies and innovative individuals, with […]

Decrease in road casualties on Transport Scotland roads amidst drop in traffic

New Transport Scotland statisticians have released provisional figures for road casualties showing a significant drop in 2020. The figures show the total number of casualties fell by 35% between 2019 and 2020 (from 7,718 to 4,992), the lowest number since annual records began in 1950.  One hundred and forty two people were killed in reported […]

SMLL tests how CCTV cameras can be smart sensors

The TRL-led Smart Mobility Living Lab is running a pilot trial in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park to use the existing roadside CCTV equipment as sensors, to detect and identify the movement of mobile vehicles such as scooters and wheelchairs in real time. The pilot is to assist Fyma (For your motion analytics) – a computer […]

South Lanarkshire to spend £1.7m on road safety improvements

Road safety improvements to be made in South Lanarkshire, where a total of £1.7 million will be spent on accident reduction measures, traffic signal projects, engineering measures at schools and speed limit initiatives. The money will come from a combination of council funding, Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT) funding and Scottish Government funding. Full details […]

London getting hydrogen double-deckers

England’s first ever hydrogen double decker buses are being launched in London, marking what the Mayor calls another major step towards making the bus fleet zero-emission and “cleaning up London’s toxic air”. The 20 new environmentally-friendly buses, the first of their kind to be launched in England, will produce no pollution from their exhausts and […]

Opening of rebuilt A19 welcomed by residents and local businesses

Local residents and business owners have welcomed the reopening this week of the A19 at Chapel Haddlesey. Despite the complexity of the work and time lost in the aftermath of severe weather early this year, all the stops were pulled out to complete the rebuilding of the 1.5km stretch of road, which had been closed since […]


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