ERTICO extends deadline for the Call for Interest to Host the next ITS Congresses
ERTICO – ITS Europe is offering countries and cities more time to apply to Host the next ITS European or World Congress in the EMEA Region. “Are you a smart city and want to showcase your mobility activities to a broader public in Europe and beyond?”, it asks. ERTICO – ITS Europe has opened the […]
ARTSM issues position statement on standard
The Association of Road Traffic Safety and Management have issued a statement regarding BS 8442:2022. Read it in full here: Following concerns received by our members in respect of BS 8442:2022 at the start of May, ARTSM requested for an urgent meeting of B509/3 at BSI to address the identified errors. The BSI B509/3 committee […]
Plan to decarbonise the southeast goes on show
Transport for the South East has launched a 12-week public consultation on a £45 billion plan that sets out the steps to decarbonise the transport system across the region, “level-up left-behind communities” and facilitate sustainable economic growth in the South East. Over the last five years TfSE says it has worked with a huge range […]
Sony and Honda partner on new mobility company
Sony Group Corporation and Honda Motor Co have signed a joint venture agreement to establish a new company to engage in the sale of high-value-added electric vehicles and provide services for mobility. The new company will aim to bring together Honda’s environmental and safety technologies, mobility development capabilities, vehicle body manufacturing technology and after-sales service […]
Aggregate Industries switches to warm mix asphalt as it continues with sustainability pledge
Driving forward with its commitment to becoming the UK leader in innovative and sustainable building solutions, Aggregate Industries has transitioned to warm mix asphalt (WMA) production as standard across its asphalt product portfolio. Boasting a wealth of benefits from carbon savings, reduced build costs and enhanced life-expectancy, warm mix asphalt offers the same high quality and performance […]
Latest plans for A358 dualling between Taunton and Ilminster in Somerset revealed
National Highways has used interactive tools showing how the proposed A358 upgrade between Taunton and Ilminster could impact on people proved popular at recent consultation events. A traffic flow webmap shows how the dualling of the route would affect traffic flows in 2028, when the scheme is predicted to open. And a trip route and journey time […]
Costain appoints Nicole Geoghegan as General Counsel and Company Secretary
Costain has appointed Nicole Geoghegan as general counsel and company secretary, replacing Sharon Harris who is leaving the business in July. She will start and join the Executive Board on 1 July 2022. The company says Ms Geoghegan has extensive infrastructure experience, covering the full asset lifecycle, and is an expert in public sector procurement […]
Work due to start on £4.7million Burgess Hill scheme in Sussex
Work is due to start soon on a £4.7million scheme to support the local economy and improve active/sustainable travel options in Burgess Hill, according to West Sussex County Council. The Western Gateway and Station Improvements Scheme is scheduled to start on 27 June and is one of a series of projects in the town which […]
Highland Council takes another step toward improving active travel in Inverness
The Highland Council has taken another step towards improving walking, wheeling and cycling in the city and help tackle the climate and ecological emergency declared in 2019. Planning permission has now been granted (planning reference: 22/00849/FUL) for a new active travel route that will connect the National Cycle Network in Inverness between Cradlehall Business Park […]
Tarmac leads the change to low temperature asphalt in net zero drive
Low carbon asphalt is set to become a feature of UK roads as Tarmac makes the most significant sustainable improvement to its range of asphalt mixtures since the business perfected the method of making road surfaces stick in the early twentieth century. The company, whose original founder Edgar Hooley first patented traditional hot mix asphalt […]