UK-European co-operation, inclusive mobility and congress memories on this week’s Highways Voices

We hear from two CEOs, an inclusive mobility visionary and industry legend on Highways Voices this week. Subscribe to Highways Voices free on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts or Pocket Casts and never miss an episode! In interviews recorded at last week’s ITS European Congress in Lisbon, ERTICO-ITS Europe CEO Joost Vantomme discusses UK-European co-operation after he signed a new […]
TfW to use AI technology to improve bus network

Transport for Wales (TfW) has announced it will use an AI-powered software platform to help improve Wales’ bus network and make services more efficient and sustainable. AI-powered operations platform, Optibus will digitalise Wales’ bus network and replace traditional manual methods with artificial intelligence, optimisation algorithms, cloud computing and rapid scenario generation. TfW say the ability […]
Salford to invest £3.7 million into roads

Salford Council is to spend £3.7 million on improvements to roads and footways over the next 12 months as part of aims to drive down legal claims for vehicle damage and pedestrian injuries. The investment comes from the city council’s capital allocation from the Department for Transport for the Highways Investment Programme (HIP) for the […]
SRL adds new safety innovations

Mobile Intelligent Transport Systems solutions manufacturer and supplier SRL has expanded its hire portfolio with the launch of a series of new products designed to enable customers to increase the protection of workers while cost-effectively promoting the safe and efficient flow of traffic around roadworks. The Remotely Operated Stop Go (ROSGO) System and Euro Remote […]
A52 improvements near Nottingham completed

Improvements to the A52 Gamston Roundabout near Nottingham are now complete with the junction fully opening to traffic. The National Highways project has included widening all three approaches to the roundabout to create extra lanes in order to reduce congestion and queuing. New traffic lights and a traffic-light controlled pedestrian crossing have been installed to […]
Cyclists in South Tyneside look forward to better bike routes thanks to a £1.6m boost

South Tyneside Borough Council has been awarded provisional funding from the fourth round of the Active Travel Fund as part of a £17.7m package of investments in the region’s walking and cycling infrastructure following a successful bid by Transport North East. In South Tyneside, the money will be spent on improvements to the National Cycle […]
Admiral Insurance launches telematics product with no black box

Car insurer Admiral is partnering with Ford Smart Mobility and telematics service provider Redtail Telematics to launch a new car insurance product to help safe drivers save on their car insurance premiums. Admiral Live enables customers that own Ford vehicles with a FordPass Connect Modem manufactured from 2021 onwards to share driving data, collected directly […]
New highways delivery model in Rochdale to boost borough businesses

Rochdale Council is driving forward a new way of delivering highway repair contracts to help boost business for local firms. Until recently a national supplier delivered most of the highways work across the borough. But this contract was formally ended in March 2022 and the council is now looking to set up a new delivery […]
Octopus Investments backs £50m rollout of electric vehicle charging company Weev

Octopus Investments , part of Octopus Group, an investment company investing in the people, ideas and industries that will change the world, has today announced its investment into Weev, the electric vehicle (EV) charge point operator based in Northern Ireland. Octopus is backing Weev’s rollout plan with up to £50 million to address the shortage […]
TfL more than doubles roadside area to be managed as wildflower verges following successful trials

TfL has more than doubled the roadside area to be managed as wildflower verges following successful trials, it has reported. An additional 74,000 square metres of wildflower verges takes the total across London to almost 130,000 square metres, equivalent to 18 football pitches Wildflower verges encourage biodiversity and help wildflowers thrive, which can lead to greater amounts […]