Police Scotland launch summer crackdown on drink and drug driving

Starting today, Police Scotland officers will be taking part in a “summer blitz” over a fortnight to ensure that drivers are obeying the law. The latest figures show that the number of motorists caught driving under the influence (DUI) has increased by more than 10% over the past decade. The most recent Recorded Crime in […]

Report looks into January flooding in Reading

A new report detailing the actions taken by the Council and other responsible bodies during flooding in Reading this January, and recommended actions to tackle future flood threats, has been published. Three months of extremely wet weather followed by intense rainfall on saturated ground during Storm Henk led to 24 properties being flooded in Reading […]

Private Parking Sector Single Code of Practice published

The BPA (British Parking Association) and the IPC (International Parking Community) have published the private parking sector single Code of Practice to be used across the entire private parking sector.  This new single Code will raise standards and deliver greater transparency and consistency for the benefit of motorists.  The new sector single Code: Private Parking […]

58% of commuters in Dublin used public transport last year

Six out of ten commuters used buses, trams and trains for their journeys in Dublin city centre last year. The latest results of the annual Canal Cordon Report show 58.3% of all people travelling into the city centre during morning rush hours used public transport in 2023, up from its pre-pandemic peak of 53.5% in […]

New Brighton & Hove cabinet approves £4m Hove seafront cycle lane

A £4 million cycle lane along Hove seafront has been approved by Brighton & Hove Council’s cabinet. The scheme involves removing one lane on the existing westbound side of the A259 Kingsway between Fourth Avenue and the Hove Street traffic lights, by the King Alfred Leisure Centre. Between Hove Street and Wharf Road, by Hove […]

“Driverless robotaxis” set to be rolled out in the UK

Autonomous robotaxis are set to cruise the streets of major UK cities within the next three years. Verne, a radical self-driving cab from Croatian automotive firm Rimac will have no steering wheel, pedals or a dashboard as it ferries people around the town. The two-seat electric hatchback promises to be more spacious than a Rolls-Royce, according […]

Guildford: A3 partial closures planned for resurfacing works

Sections of the A3 around Guildford will close overnight on six dates in July, with resurfacing works starting today (1 July). Drivers are being warned to check the latest information, because closures could change at short notice, National Highways said. The closures will include entry and exit slip roads, and will be in place from […]

New ISA law comes into force this Sunday

A new EU law designed to reduce speeding and improve road safety will apply to all new cars sold in the European Union from 7 July 2024. The law requires manufacturers to fit intelligent speed assistance (ISA) technology to their cars, but they can implement it in various ways – including automatically limiting the car’s […]

ADEPT: Greenprint is the blueprint for verge management

South Gloucestershire Council and West Sussex County Council are trialling a new way to manage grass verges, including using cuttings to generate energy and reduce the carbon footprint associated with highways maintenance. Greenprint is a pioneering green carbon laboratory project which is exploring the potential in non-operational highways ‘green’ assets. Chris Harris, lead officer for […]


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