Bridgend Borough Council underlines importance of strategic transport list in current financial climate

In light of the present financial situation, Bridgend County Borough Council has stressed the importance of a list of strategic transport projects, as well as a Cabinet review of the list in the near future.

Discussions at a recent Scrutiny meeting highlighted how a review of the list will ensure that all schemes are still relevant and will also consider the financial impact of future maintenance on the authority, as well as on existing infrastructure. 

The strategic transport list reveals which schemes could be taken forward when new funding becomes available by UK or Welsh Government, either as part of the Cardiff Capital Region (CCR) Metro Programme, Levelling Up Fund, developer contributions, or other funding sources.  It is important for the council to identify transport projects in advance of funding programmes becoming available to ensure recognition at a local, regional and national level.

Strategic transport projects are all aligned with the short, medium and long term objectives of Bridgend County Borough Council’s Local Transport Plan 2015 -2030, the Local Development Plan, active travel routes contained in the Active Travel Network Map, as well as national documents such as the 2020 Final Recommendations of the Transport Commission, Wales Transport Strategy 2021, Planning Policy Wales and Future Wales – National Plan.

The local authority has very clear criteria to follow when prioritising any strategic transport projects, that are in line with the local land use development plan, as well as Welsh Government transport objectives.

“Supporting some of the transport projects can be challenging largely due to a significant lack of funding and staffing resources. However, officers are still facilitating and implementing such schemes under these circumstances,” said Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Environment, Councillor, John Spanswick.


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