Call for the bus to be at the heart of placemaking approach

The Confederation of Passenger Transport has published its response to the government’s consultation on proposed reform to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) as well as other changes to the planning system.

CPT welcomed the opportunity to respond to the government’s proposals for planning reform, arguing they offer a vital opportunity to reset the relationship between planning and public transport.

Alison Edwards, Director of Policy & External Relations for the CPT says: “CPT and its members believe that a vision-led approach to future planning that promotes sustainable transport must put buses and coaches front and centre.

“Only a ‘bus first’ approach enshrined in the framework will ensure that the planning system delivers new towns and housing developments without further embedding car dependency. Placemaking with ‘bus first’ will persuade more people to use buses – delivering healthier, greener, and better-connected communities.

“This approach is also essential to give bus and coach operators the long-term assurance they need to invest in routes and to strengthen their relationships with the communities they serve.”

In its consultation response CPT argues that a bus-first vision for placemaking should be integrated within the NPPF as well as into the broader planning and economic policies of the government.

Likewise, it says the reformed NPPF should be worded to become more assertive in promoting public transport. As with walking and cycling, the planning system needs to make taking the bus a more attractive option.

(File picture – DfT)


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