Cardiff Council looking for contractors for new South East & Mid Wales Highways and Civil Engineering Framework

Cardiff Councils is looking for contractors to tender for the next iteration of the South East & Mid Wales Highways and Civil Engineering Framework (SEWH).

The council is looking for pre-qualified and suitably experienced contractors with expertise in highways and civil engineering activities.

The Framework Contractors and Participating Employers will look to develop good working practices with stakeholders across South East & Mid Wales regions to promote good practice, improve sustainability and added value through social value, said the tender document.

The Framework Agreement is to be divided into fifteen (15) lots. There are restrictions on the number of lots that a Potential Provider can be awarded.

Within the lots work includes: construction, foundation and surface works for highways, construction work for highways, surfacing, foundation work for footpaths and bridge construction work.

Tenders to be made at: Proactis – Supplier Network ( with procurement documents at:


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