Carlisle City Council goers out to consultation on new air quality plan

Consultation is now underway on plan that aims to improve air quality in Carlisle. The draft Air Quality Action Plan has been drawn together by Carlisle City Council and sets out the steps that it, and its partners, plans to take to reduce emissions.

The new Action Plan replaces the revised action plan from 2012. It looks at the likely causes of high NOconcentrations (traffic congestion and heavy-duty vehicles) and details 12 local measures which are expected to reduce these concentrations over the next five years.  

Subjects under consideration in the new plan is; alternatives to private vehicle use, freight and delivery management, policy guidance and development control, promoting low emission transport, promoting travel alternatives, transport planning and infrastructure, traffic management, and vehicle fleet efficiency.

The council said its priorities were to undertake signal improvements at the Bridge street junction to improve traffic flow and reduce the number of vehicles stopping at the pedestrian crossing, continue to make progress on the ‘southern bypass’ project as well as continue to work with the planning department to ensure air quality implications are considered within the planning process and improve cycle and pedestrian links in the city.

Cllr Nigel Christian, Portfolio holder for Environment and Transport, said:“We are committed to improving air quality in Carlisle. In addition to the obvious health benefits for our residents, it is also an important issue for the conservation of our local environment.

“Our Air Quality Action Plan has been developed with key partners such as transport planners, the Environment Agency and the Highways Agency. Air quality is really important, and we’d like feedback on the draft plan. Please take time to have your say.”

The full report can be viewed at:


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