Cars remain banned during daytimes in Bridgend Town Centre

Bridgend County Borough Council is leaving a traffic order in place which means no vehicles can enter the town centre between 10am and 6pm. reports that no changes have been made to it since the pandemic lockdown, and a clarification has been issued to explain why drivers have been unable to take vehicles into the town centre during the day.

Vehicular access for purposes such as deliveries and loading is only possible before 10am and after 6pm, although there is support for disabled drivers with dedicated parking bays available around the edges of the pedestrianised area.

Cllr Stuart Baldwin, Cabinet Member for Communities, told the website, “While this is the same approach that has been adopted in numerous other areas featuring pedestrianised zones – for example, Queen Street in Cardiff – the council monitors the situation closely. We recently carried out widespread consultation on vehicular access and disabled parking as part of the proposals for the new town centre masterplan, and will be looking at this again in closer detail.”

(Picture – Google Street View)


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