Child hospitalised after e-scooter collision

A three year old boy has been seriously injured after being run over by a person on an e-scooter in the Feltham area of London.

Police say they were called on 17 April to deal with a collision on the A244 High Street. The boy had been walking along the pavement with his grandmother when he was hit from behind by the e-scooter. The rider fell from the scooter on impact, but re-mounted and rode away without stopping at the scene.

The child was taken to hospital where he was found to have suffered two broken collarbones. He has since been discharged.

This follows a warning on a recent Highways Voices podcast where newspaper columnist Peter Hitchens warned that e-scooters are dangerous, especially to a child.

E-scooter trials are currently taking place across the UK and safety of pedestrians and cyclists are key to whether the mode has a long-term future.


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