Cohda Wireless Supporting Real World Test Field for Connected and Automated Vehicles in Germany

Cohda Wireless’s V2X technology is supporting the establishment of one of Europe’s largest and most comprehensive test environments for connected intelligent transport systems, the Corridor for New Mobility Aachen – Düsseldorf (ACCorD).

As a tech partner, Cohda is supplying its Road-Side Units (RSUs) to the research project, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) and delivered by the Institute for Automotive Engineering (ika) of RWTH Aachen University.

The Corridor for New Mobility Aachen comprises three disparate but interconnected test sites to test and validate connected and automated driving functions. The first phase covers the Melaten Campus in Aachen, with two additional sites to be established later in the year, namely on the B56 federal road near Aldenhoven and on the A44 federal highway at the Jackerath interchange. This will allow the initiative to encompass urban, rural and highway traffic conditions.

In Aachen, 46 metering stations have been established on existing traffic infrastructure along a 2.4 km circuit, including cameras, lidars and Cohda’s RSUs. The cameras and lidars record a broad variety of raw data which is then processed locally before being converted into V2X messages for dissemination to vehicles from Cohda’s RSUs. Data will also be analysed and processed centrally to identify road-user behaviour, trends and insights, ultimately to make road transport safer and more environmentally friendly.
Cohda Wireless Vice President of Business Development in Europe Bernd Lübben described the Corridor for New Mobility Aachen as a shining example of the progress that is being made to prepare cities for the introduction of cooperative intelligent transport systems.

“This initiative is a very large, integrated and appropriately complex test-bed that is likely to be a catalyst for more like it across Europe in the near future,” explained Mr. Lübben.

“The combination of urban, rural and highway transport settings will offer interesting and useful data that will assist in paving the way for the introduction of connected and autonomous vehicles on our streets and highways.”

Laurent Kloeker from the Institute for Automotive Engineering (ika) is happy that Cohda is part of this project..

“The university is already familiar with Cohda Wireless having used Cohda’s V2X products in previous projects,” explained Mr. Kloeker.

“We are also able to draw on Cohda’s experience in many other large trials globally which is very useful to us.”

The project is being supported from Cohda’s office in Germany. Among other project partners, OEMs Ford and MOOVE are involved with automated and connected research vehicles in the project.

(Picture – Cohda Wireless)


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