Costain no longer involved in A66 Trans-Pennine project

Construction company Costain will not be involved in the A66 Trans-Pennine improvement works which involves improving the road between the M6 at Penrith and A1(M) at Scotch Corner.

The project sees the single carriageway sections of the road upgraded to dual carriageway standard and making improvements to the junctions along the route.

A spokesperson for Costain told Highways News: “We’ve been holding regular meetings with National Highways about the A66 scheme. As a result of those meetings, we’ve both agreed to a change in contracting strategy which will see Costain’s involvement in the development phase of the A66 come to an organised and managed end. We will continue to bring our innovation and expertise to other critically important National Highways projects.”

Back in October last year, Balfour Beatty, Keltbray and Kier, along with Costain, signed up to work together on the scheme.

(Picture – National Highways)


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