Devon adds pedestrian and cycle bridge to its expanding cycle network

Devon’s expanding cycle network in Exeter received a boost at the weekend, with the installation of a new pedestrian and cycle bridge.

The new bridge at Summer Lane in Exeter completes the first two kilometres of Devon County Council’s E4 cycle route – providing a vital connection between Exeter Arena/Exhibition Fields and Bettysmead Playing Fields.

It establishes a direct link which will shorten the route and will remove sharp deviations in direction, narrow shared paths, and the necessity to use a Toucan crossing on Summer Lane.

The 18-metre span pedestrian and cycle bridge on Summer Lane provides the final connection between existing sections of the route and sets a high standard for cycle provision both in Exeter and the County.

Councillor Stuart Hughes, Devon County Council Cabinet Member for Highway Management, said: “The E4 route is really taking shape with the installation of this bridge following on from the opening of the section at Pinhoe Road and Exhibition Way earlier this year. This bridge provides a key link on the safe, convenient and direct route towards across the city. The health and environmental benefits that walking and cycling can provide have been highlighted this year and as the E4 route becomes established, it will offer an attractive alternative for more people to choose active travel for short journeys across the city.”

Councillor Hilary Ackland, Devon County Councillor for Pinhoe and Mincinglake, said: “During the three and a half years I have been the local councillor, the E4 route has developed and every new section has enabled cycling residents to get to work in the city, for students to get to school and college and for families to enjoy cycling together in a safe environment. It is so heartening to see that the E4 route is leading the way for other cycle routes to follow. This is helping to make Exeter a great cycling city.”

The E4 cycle route will eventually connect the east of Exeter to the city centre and University.

Design work is underway on the next phase of the project covering sections of the route at Stoke Hill roundabout and Union Road. A consultation on plans and proposals is planned for November.


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