DfT asks for feedback on digital transport tools

The Department for Transport’s Traffic and Technology Division is working on a new project understand digital tools being used to deliver new technology solutions – and needs your opinions and experience.

The data-driven systems and use cases which deliver digital traffic management used by local authorities and the ITS industry are providing to plan and deliver road network management.  The latest research, in terms of a survey, will lead to guidance on the best way to deliver new technology solutions, particularly tools which leverage real-time data and modelling to support delivery of network management duties, such as the Traffic Management Act 2004.

Consultants WSP are undertaking the questionnaire for the DfT. It will use it to learn about authorities’ projects/case studies that you may have undertaken as part of your network management.

They write: “We are especially interested to hear about how you’ve used technology (including exploiting real-time data) to digitally plan (eg use of real-time data and predictive modelling), control and deliver real-time improvement (eg digital cameras, AI to improve traffic management systems) to your management of the network. This technology could be already available or ‘near-market’ (ready for traditional procurement through CCS frameworks or open procurement).

To take part in this survey click here.

(Picture – Yay Images)


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