DfT plans parking data webinar

The Department for Transport’s Transport Data Initiative is hosing the second in its webinar events on Thursday 12 November focusing on new data developments in the parking sector which will support “parking as a service”.

The DfT has sponsored the development of a new parking data exchange standard (APDS), to be adopted by ISO and within DATEX, and a National Parking Data Platform which will automate payment and provide availability of parking space information.

The session will also describe the DfT’s Traffic Regulation Order Data (TRO) Model – to provide nationally consistent data and digitised TROs.. This event will see input from Parking Matters, British Parking Association, Manchester City Council, Harrod Booth Consulting, and DfT. 

The discussion will cover standards and data consistency, the platform and a use case, plus a Q and A session.

The event starts at 11am and can be booked here.


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