DfT’s Chief Scientist confirmed on SAGE committee

The Government’s released the names of most of the members of its Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies, which confirms that Professor Phil Blythe is among the top table of experts advising on Covid-19 policy.

The Newcastle University Professor is the Department for Transport’s Chief Scientific Adviser on the use of science and engineering evidence in policy making and also ensuring the Department is best informed on new innovations and technologies that may impact on the delivery of transport schemes.

Highways News co-editor Paul Hutton writes:

In the days where you could see people in three dimensions, I saw Phil at the Transport Technology Forum conference in Bristol on 4 May, where he gave the keynote speech (pictured). He was, though, clearly very busy with phone calls throughout the event and it was clear his advice was being sought every few minutes. We suspected why, now it’s been confirmed.

Blythe made a point of thanking ITS (UK) and local authorities across the UK for help in sharing data on transport use in the early days of travel restrictions.


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