Drive-buy: New Ford in-car system ‘could’ listen to your conversations to tailor ads

Ford has patented a system that would use several different sources of information to customize bespoke advertising content to play in your car.

This as-yet hypothetical system would use various information streams to determine what sort of ads to serve up, such as the voice commands you’ve given to the car. It could also identify your voice and recognize you and your ad preferences, and those of your passengers, says MotorTrend. Finally, it could listen to your conversations and determine if it’s better to serve you a visual ad while you’re talking, or an audio ad when there’s a lull in the conversation.

However, a statement from Ford, issued to MotorTrend after this story was initially published, says: “Submitting patent applications is a normal part of any strong business as the process protects new ideas and helps us build a robust portfolio of intellectual property. The ideas described within a patent application should not be viewed as an indication of our business or product plans. No matter what the patent application outlines, we will always put the customer first in the decision-making behind the development and marketing of new products and services.”

The patent acknowledges that in-car advertising might be received poorly by occupants. For one, there’s a recognition that an occupant’s “natural inclination to seek minimal or no ads” should be balanced with “maximum opportunity for ad-based monetization.” The patent says that it will use a few different algorithms to bypass occupants’ preference for zero ads by playing ads at certain times, attempting to minimize disruption by understanding the context.


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