eCall analysis start-up VESOS recognised by leading vehicle magazine

The start-up eCall consultancy and solutions company VESOS has been praised by the trade magazine Autocar for the development of software that slashes the time it takes for the emergency services to be alerted to crashes on our roads.

The Autocar Drivers of Change award described the VESOS TeCall platform as a “pioneering idea that will make the lives of everyday motorists much easier”.

TeCall sits between the eCall service provider and highways and emergency command and control centre systems, filtering, enhancing, prioritising and then forwarding incidents that emergency services need, in the form they need, in seconds. It can also be a very valuable historic data source.

Autocar awarded director Andy Rooke a runner-up position in the Digital category, saying he is hoping to save countless lives with his software aims to slash the time it takes for an emergency call to be connected from the car to the authorities.

“TeCall delivers data about a road incident quicker than an operator can say “what’s your emergency?,” explains Mr Rooke, who has worked on the concept and real world implementation of eCall for 20 years. “TeCall alerts complement the existing voice channels and only report incidents in the geographical areas that emergency services want, filters out alerts from faulty units, provides data for analysis and operations, and ultimately saves lives by reducing response times. In the Connected Vehicle world, eCall is at the forefront. It’s not a question of if but when to start properly using eCall data.”

In November it was announced that the Digital category was won by another innovative UK company, Immense Solutions. Carl Goves, Robin North, Didac Busquets and Eifion Jenkins have created a system that aims to increase productivity by slashing traffic snarl-ups with advanced simulator technology. “In creating Immense Simulations, a simulator platform, the firm allows town planners to virtually model potential traffic problems,” Autocar explains to its readers.

(Picture – National Highways)


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